Every now and then, we notice that more and more websites are using one page WordPress themes, or a single page design. When we say single page websites, we are talking about websites that put all their contents on one single page. Since all the contents are being displayed on one page, you can only view it by either scrolling vertically or horizontally. Or you can click on a navigation button and get to a specific section which you want to view. Single Page Website is unique in some way, and some users might find it fascinating at first.

Those who tend to promote a one page theme could give you quite a few good reasons or benefits for using such a one page website. For example: 1. better user experience because there aren’t much to navigate to, 2. easy navigation because there is only one page, 3. easier website maintenance again because you only have one page, 4. reduced bandwidth usage because you only have a minimal amount of content…

There are two obvious advantages of using a single page website: 1. If you don’t have much content to display, it is cool to try out a one page design. 2. If you like trendy design, one page design is good for you because not many websites are using it.

On the other hand, there are also few disadvantages of using a single page website: 1. People might think this one page website has so little content, should they bother viewing it? 2. Since all the contents will be loaded on one page, will it take a longer time to download? 3. Say if you prefer to place a minimal amount of content on your website, will people associate the size of your website with that of your firm or organization?

To sum up, a single page website is not for everybody, it only works best for a certain type of usage, e.g. brief announcements of personal or business events. If you sell more than one product or service, you might still want to use a regular WordPress theme, or a normal multiple page website design.

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